Please Note: This page is for Registered Users to re-request their PIN number or confirm their registration, if you do not have an account then please click on the 'Join existing' or 'Create new group' buttons to the left side of the page to continue the registration process.

To confirm your email address please enter your email address then press 'Request your PIN Number'. This is a once only process so we can ensure your email details are correct, if you have already confirmed your email using a PIN then please go to the 'Sign In' page to gain access to the system.
This will send an email to your email account, which will contain a PIN Number and will also open an input field lower down this page in which you will need to enter the PIN Number recorded in the email.
Next you will need to press the 'Confirm my PIN' button and the PIN entered will be checked against the PIN number that was sent to your email address and if they match your account will be confirmed and you will be shown on the screen a temporary password to allow you access to the system.

Please enter a valid email address.
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